Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Black Lives Matter

One hundred days later they announce the verdict on the Mike Brown case. As if we did not know what it would be. All we have to do is look at the cases before, the writings were on the wall.

I will not say if feel that anything that is happening now is right or wrong. Now the breaking into black owned stores is something I do not agree with. Lets not break down what we have build.

I hate to hear people say how blacks kill blacks, yes their right, but they do the time when they do. The sad fact is if this was a white young man and a black cop, there would be nothing said, because that cop would be under the jail.

I can only hope this Black Out that everyone is posting about on social media will actually make a small stand.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

International Fair

The University of Central Oklahoma hosted an international fair, where the students come together and share their different cultures. We have a large amount middle eastern students, and you can tell they dominated the fair.

My family being from Central American I was very interested to see how my family's culture was represented, of course there wasn't much to see. None of the food from Panama, or pictures or even music.

I can not say much because I should have involved myself so that those counties could have been represented better.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Can we really trust this word? Is it really what it says it is? I remember when I stated college and one of my professors asked the class how many of us read the news paper. Knowing what I know now, is there really a point to it? Do you understand we only know a small faction of whats really going on in the world.

We could really put thing is all catogories. History, reglion, science, and any other subject you can thing of. Why is it that telling a small piece of a story can be considered truth? Haven't we been told that if you're not telling the whole truth its a lie.

Everything we know could very well be a lie, the bigger question is could we really handle the truth, meaning the entire truth, the whole story 100% fact! I don't think we could. Blind faith is what we are suppose to have with no question, and no real way to get the answer. Why is this okay? Is law and order worth the lie?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Loneliness Part 3

A person opinion changes with the weather, so with knowing that we still care so much. Some feel their not special if they don't have 20 to 30 or 40 likes on their picture of Instagram, or on Facebook. No matter how mentally strong a person is we all have that thought, then we try and find the reason this could be. By bringing down another person in our mind is what makes us feel better.

We think " the only reason she has so many likes is because shes showing this or that body part" sad right. We've got to do better, but then again while I may be talking to many people, I'm talking to myself. Even when I look on here and see that not that many people read my blogs I think "oh I must not be talking about anything worth reading" then I laugh to myself.
Loneliness Part 2

Let put this in the context of relationship heterosexual and homosexual. We dress ourselves up and make sure we look a particular way that will feel will get us the attention we want to have, then we get the first step down, we get the persons number and begin talking to them on the phone of texting. This day and age that would mostly be texting. 

But then something happens, they did response to us they way we feel they should. They go days without texting us, then we go on the social media and see that they've posted something or have liked another girls picture. Without even knowing we're doing it we start comparing ourselves to the person they liked, because in our mind they have not text us so that must mean they like that other person better. 

Think about it because it has happened to all of us. Why do we do this to ourselves, why is how we feel about ourself has so much to do with how other people see us and treat us. 

Ever think if the people around you really care that you are there.  Everyone has a bestfriend, someone they share every part of their life with. Whether that be a person such as a girlfriend or boyfriend, or someone that just is a friend that you hold no romactic feeling towards.

No one has 10 best friends, but we can all say we know more than a few people. Some that has probably been around for many many years but yet they don't pay very much attention to you. They also may not invite you to big events in their life, you only see it on Facebook. So when you see this do you think to yourself " their fake" or do you think to yourself "dang I guess they don't like me as much as I thought."

Most people go with the second feeling, then they start in on the "Looking glass-self" and they think on what could casue that other person to value their friend. This could fall under all categories.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


This is such a touchy subject for most people around the world. But why? Now there are a good amount of people that say you know what, I'm going to read all of these books and figure out a truth for myself.

Then you have the people with blind faith that no matter what they stick to what and how they've been raised. Now I do not think that this people are wrong, it's just not particularly how I feel about the subject.

I feel that a good hand full of people are missing the point completely, if everyone took the time to pay attention they would see the whole point of it all is LOVE. Let me make that better LOVE.

When there is a love for people and self, you automatically stay away from the bad things, and when we love one another, truly love one another, there would not be hunger, people would not go without the things they need. It's about coming together as one. one people, one nation, one planet. 

Thats when the true miracles will take place. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Coming of Age

It seems that as you age small bits of knowledge comes to you piece by piece. Meaning you should get wiser as you go throughout your life time. This may be why I enjoy spending time with my and other peoples grandparents. Because I feel they have so much wisdom, they don't take this to seriously and can help you focus on the things that should be.

Things are making sense that didn't in my younger years. I see why people want things such as marriage and children.  In this world its not about what we do, but about the mark we leave.

We're here to leave a legacy, something to pass on for generations.
Single Too Long Part II

Being able to just call up a different person to hang out with, and if that person is not able to right when you want them, you can just call on another person. Lets say this goes on for a year or maybe even two.

There is no way you would be able to get in a relationship without those first couple of months being a true struggle. To have to get out the mindset that you can move right on to the next person or the next attractive person in your phone.

I use to say this is all guys, but everyday I'm around myself and hear some of the things I say to people and my reaction towards what people do and deal with in relationships, and I don't think I'm such a good catch anyone.

I can say that and laugh at myself and so should you. I feel its called having Oneness with ones self. But hey what do I know.
Single To Long

You ever think to yourself that you may have been single to long? Do you ever wonder if maybe you no longer know how to be with another person?

We hear often that we should always take time out to ourselves, to improve ourselves. I think there is a down fall to that. Lets face it... while we're taking this time to ourselves your not keeping yourself from "talking to" someone.

Brief definition of the now a days meaning of "talking to" a person. This is when two people text daily to every other day, in some cases they hang out and go places, but for the most part they have sex with no strings. They are never really sure or comfortable with that other person as far as where they stand.

So, you've been just having fun talking to different people. Possibly sleeping with a number of different people, with not really having to commit or truly connect with anyone.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Don't you hate it when your children's father gets a new girlfriend then he loses all backbone to the fact you're their mother, and can only do what keeps the chick happy. First of all women are so hungry to be in that mans life that she completely steps  on the toes of the mother, and of course the father lets her. They then try and leave you out as the mother. 

Lets talk mom code for a second, as a woman and as a mother, never try and take the place of the child mother even if he lets you. As a woman you should always make sure the mother is okay with something you're with her child. (I'm talking to these in coming girlfriends)

Some men are so respectful when they come in to a child's life, and do what they can to not step on the fathers toes. Funny how woman do NOT show each other that same respect. 

Another add to that, please do not be one of those women that say "no she can't come in my house" this  is where I have to quote Tamar Braxtons and say "have several seats" that is that child's mother. She's not there to see you or him she's there for the kid, period. If you can not handle that you may as well end the relationship with that man. Cause if you do any of these things I've said here all, you should just  throw away any respect you would have as a woman. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Secret Societies and Part 4

Just because they keep things secret doesn't mean its evil, everyone makes a big deal about stars doing the all seeing eye. Maybe they are apart of something, I don't believe secret societies are evil and just like any other fraternity or sorority they represent because their proud of it and proud of what they stand for. When your a member of something you can't do something to make the group look bad or do something that goes against their beliefs, so could these stars really give honor to God publicly if it went against the group their a member of??

No you would be kicked out, so couldn't that mean that maybe the Illuminti may not be a group that worships the devil? And couldn't it be that the stars by talking some of these pictures they take are just to fuel the fire of what some of the public choose to believe but have no real idea?
Part 3

CHris Brown, it was said that Rihanna set him up to beat her because he was being a bad puppet. This  could not have either been in a relationship or lived any part of life. I feel they sit at home and consume to much internet and television. They took a fall for this as a couple, she did because she went back to him. That sent a message to young women that its ok to stay in a relationship like that somehow, because for some reason stars about suppose to be perfect and have perfect lives and who people look up to...

I hope you can read my sarcasm. I think maybe because somehow the world isn't interesting enough people make up things to give the world life. Countries that really have "new world order" the people are killed for their belief, they couldn't dream of some of the freedoms we have. Fact is Chris Brown is probably trying to find himself like any other young man or woman that acts out. Nothing more nothing less.
Part 2

Beyonce and Jay Z. He speaks about her song partition, and he goes on to say how she is saying that for the devil to take all of her saling sex and lust, and that she couldn't be talking about JayZ because their married so of course he likes her because he married her. Every one likes to be sexy number 1 for the man that they are with. Not because they are brain washed by the media but because the more into her the guy is, the happier he is, and less likely to cheat.

Just because a couple is married or in a relationship it doesn't mean that she should stop wanting to be sexy for her man. Keep his eye on her, and not some other woman. She's not giving herself to the devil. If these people were devil worshippers that would not say anything about God or thanking God. I think its time people get off of these stars and this Illuminti business.
Part 1 Illuminti 

The first post I want to talk about is the one on Usher, this was one of the ones that got a bit under my skin. He or she quoted Ushers song "you make me want to leave the one I'm with" and said "how about you work it out with the one he's with" implying that Usher should have stayed in the marriage his was in.

So let me get this right he should have stayed in a relationship that was not working for what?? To promote a loveless marriage?? These artists are saying about life and how it happens. It happens that you hook up with a person and later find out you have more in common with their friend. Its not easy for most men to only love one woman and stay with one. Women too not just men for that matter.

If the so called Illuminti had so much power do you really think people of be able to speak so freely about it?? And that a person could have a whole page about it. The attack of Usher's personal life was very uncalled for. Usher sings about and tell stories about his life through his music like many others.

Are you over it yet or no? So I'm on Instagram and I come across a page that's all about stars and how they are contented to the Illuminati. where can I start with this, there were more than a couple post that I had a major problem with. This person much to say about all of the main stream stars, and for the next couple of post I feel its only right that I say what I feel. But let me first say this

I do not just call myself a Christian, I am someone that is spiritual, I believe in prayer and having faith and a greater love. I believe that we can speak life into all nouns. With this subject so much life has been spoken into it, it could die and say that it lived a full life. the moment life was giving to this subject  it spread like wild fire. Media Agenda or no.
Do I have This Right?

A man can sleep with hundreds of women. Talk about it in songs, suggest that other men do the same and then tell them to much sure they treat them like this and that. 
But when a woman does the same thing, even if she is protecting herself she is viewed as a whore and a slut.

This nonsense about women should only be about to count the amount of sexual partners she's had on one hand happens to be the biggest load of bull I've ever heard. And would you believe that those words whore and slut and harlet was made just for women. 

Ladies we still have a ways to go.

Why is their so much talk about this Ray Rice issue which shouldn't be spoken about like its an issue. Don't get me wrong, I do not think it is alright for a man to beat a woman, and I do there should be an outreach to help women that want to get out of an abusive situation; However can we not waste time talking about and a woman getting knocked out because she married the guy anyway. Why punish him if she won't.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Home of The Brave

America, the home of the brave, land of opportunity. How could anyone not love America? Lets just take a walk down memory lane shall we. Pilgrims came to america because the no longer wanting to be under the Queen of England, (immigrants) came to america bringing over smallpox which killed a lot of Native Americans. Not knowing the language of the land or ways and customs they continued their own by trying to bring a little piece of home to the new world, along with striping native americans from their culture and pushing their own on to them. Making them learn english and their ways of life. Moving a little further down the lane, the first colonist no longer wanted to pay taxes so we have historical evens such as the Boston Tea party and America won their independence, but lets not forget about the african slaves being brought over on ships to do american labor, the slaves were beat, hung, and rapped. The first president of the United States had many affairs with his slave women. The children was not treated to badly, they had lighter skin then other slaves so they didn't have to do work in the field, they were a little better I'm guessing.

Moving alone, racial segregation came into play, where blacks were not allowed to drink from, go to school with, eat with, and pretty much anything else with whites. This was also something going on with the asians that came over to american they had to go through some of this very treatment. Civil Rights leaders fought hard for rights, rights for blacks, rights for women, because if you was not a man you could not have of own anything. Now that brings us to presents times, we have a black president that had to give up his religion  and ties to people that didn't fit will with what he was being elected to, their are now people working to stop immigrants from coming into america, and if they get in they have to jump throw a lot of financial hoops but they can't work, but people will hire them to cut their grass, and clean their homes, isn't that nice of them.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


What drives a person to the point of being obsessed with another? How does a person allow themselves to what they call, love a person to the point of needing to know their every step, and when the relationship is over still continue to follow them.  Love a word that has been broken down into serverial different parts. One type of love being the love you have for your mother or father, another is type of love is the love you feel for a person your attracted to, and the last one I will mention is the love you have for people as a whole, the love your neighbor. 

So when does it happen, here is what I believe; we as people have the most powerful weapon on earth, the mind. A major piece of the three parts that make people whole, you mind is the engine that runs the body. The fact that most people has already fallen in love with the idea of being in love or having that special someone, which will make for their relationship to have serious problems. So even though a person can be in a relationship  physically for a month but in their mind its been about 5 months. They've already pictured what life would be like with this person, they've pictured children, the house, the wedding, them growing old together, and just life being perfect. 

Its time to think in reality, if your in your 20's, THAT'S PROBABLY NOT WHO YOU WILL END UP WITH. So stop save yourself the pain of the whole break up, the I can't live without them crap. Trust me its crap, you both will change several times over before you get to 30. then take it out your mind that you can change someone, you can change no one by yourself and your clothes. You can not turn someone into what you want them to be save the wasted time and effort. But hey what do I know...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

But What Do I Know, will be a combination of facts about a variety of different topics and how I feel they come together to make a logical point. Most will come from my own experiences. Some will be entertaining and others will be on more serious matters.
My subjects will include motherhood, being a student,  being a woman in the age of text messaging and other social media, men- God help them and us all, some politics, spirituality and more.