Sunday, October 5, 2014

Single Too Long Part II

Being able to just call up a different person to hang out with, and if that person is not able to right when you want them, you can just call on another person. Lets say this goes on for a year or maybe even two.

There is no way you would be able to get in a relationship without those first couple of months being a true struggle. To have to get out the mindset that you can move right on to the next person or the next attractive person in your phone.

I use to say this is all guys, but everyday I'm around myself and hear some of the things I say to people and my reaction towards what people do and deal with in relationships, and I don't think I'm such a good catch anyone.

I can say that and laugh at myself and so should you. I feel its called having Oneness with ones self. But hey what do I know.

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