Sunday, October 26, 2014


Ever think if the people around you really care that you are there.  Everyone has a bestfriend, someone they share every part of their life with. Whether that be a person such as a girlfriend or boyfriend, or someone that just is a friend that you hold no romactic feeling towards.

No one has 10 best friends, but we can all say we know more than a few people. Some that has probably been around for many many years but yet they don't pay very much attention to you. They also may not invite you to big events in their life, you only see it on Facebook. So when you see this do you think to yourself " their fake" or do you think to yourself "dang I guess they don't like me as much as I thought."

Most people go with the second feeling, then they start in on the "Looking glass-self" and they think on what could casue that other person to value their friend. This could fall under all categories.

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