Tuesday, October 14, 2014


This is such a touchy subject for most people around the world. But why? Now there are a good amount of people that say you know what, I'm going to read all of these books and figure out a truth for myself.

Then you have the people with blind faith that no matter what they stick to what and how they've been raised. Now I do not think that this people are wrong, it's just not particularly how I feel about the subject.

I feel that a good hand full of people are missing the point completely, if everyone took the time to pay attention they would see the whole point of it all is LOVE. Let me make that better LOVE.

When there is a love for people and self, you automatically stay away from the bad things, and when we love one another, truly love one another, there would not be hunger, people would not go without the things they need. It's about coming together as one. one people, one nation, one planet. 

Thats when the true miracles will take place. 

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