Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Part 1 Illuminti 

The first post I want to talk about is the one on Usher, this was one of the ones that got a bit under my skin. He or she quoted Ushers song "you make me want to leave the one I'm with" and said "how about you work it out with the one he's with" implying that Usher should have stayed in the marriage his was in.

So let me get this right he should have stayed in a relationship that was not working for what?? To promote a loveless marriage?? These artists are saying about life and how it happens. It happens that you hook up with a person and later find out you have more in common with their friend. Its not easy for most men to only love one woman and stay with one. Women too not just men for that matter.

If the so called Illuminti had so much power do you really think people of be able to speak so freely about it?? And that a person could have a whole page about it. The attack of Usher's personal life was very uncalled for. Usher sings about and tell stories about his life through his music like many others.

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