Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Black Lives Matter

One hundred days later they announce the verdict on the Mike Brown case. As if we did not know what it would be. All we have to do is look at the cases before, the writings were on the wall.

I will not say if feel that anything that is happening now is right or wrong. Now the breaking into black owned stores is something I do not agree with. Lets not break down what we have build.

I hate to hear people say how blacks kill blacks, yes their right, but they do the time when they do. The sad fact is if this was a white young man and a black cop, there would be nothing said, because that cop would be under the jail.

I can only hope this Black Out that everyone is posting about on social media will actually make a small stand.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

International Fair

The University of Central Oklahoma hosted an international fair, where the students come together and share their different cultures. We have a large amount middle eastern students, and you can tell they dominated the fair.

My family being from Central American I was very interested to see how my family's culture was represented, of course there wasn't much to see. None of the food from Panama, or pictures or even music.

I can not say much because I should have involved myself so that those counties could have been represented better.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Can we really trust this word? Is it really what it says it is? I remember when I stated college and one of my professors asked the class how many of us read the news paper. Knowing what I know now, is there really a point to it? Do you understand we only know a small faction of whats really going on in the world.

We could really put thing is all catogories. History, reglion, science, and any other subject you can thing of. Why is it that telling a small piece of a story can be considered truth? Haven't we been told that if you're not telling the whole truth its a lie.

Everything we know could very well be a lie, the bigger question is could we really handle the truth, meaning the entire truth, the whole story 100% fact! I don't think we could. Blind faith is what we are suppose to have with no question, and no real way to get the answer. Why is this okay? Is law and order worth the lie?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Loneliness Part 3

A person opinion changes with the weather, so with knowing that we still care so much. Some feel their not special if they don't have 20 to 30 or 40 likes on their picture of Instagram, or on Facebook. No matter how mentally strong a person is we all have that thought, then we try and find the reason this could be. By bringing down another person in our mind is what makes us feel better.

We think " the only reason she has so many likes is because shes showing this or that body part" sad right. We've got to do better, but then again while I may be talking to many people, I'm talking to myself. Even when I look on here and see that not that many people read my blogs I think "oh I must not be talking about anything worth reading" then I laugh to myself.
Loneliness Part 2

Let put this in the context of relationship heterosexual and homosexual. We dress ourselves up and make sure we look a particular way that will feel will get us the attention we want to have, then we get the first step down, we get the persons number and begin talking to them on the phone of texting. This day and age that would mostly be texting. 

But then something happens, they did response to us they way we feel they should. They go days without texting us, then we go on the social media and see that they've posted something or have liked another girls picture. Without even knowing we're doing it we start comparing ourselves to the person they liked, because in our mind they have not text us so that must mean they like that other person better. 

Think about it because it has happened to all of us. Why do we do this to ourselves, why is how we feel about ourself has so much to do with how other people see us and treat us. 

Ever think if the people around you really care that you are there.  Everyone has a bestfriend, someone they share every part of their life with. Whether that be a person such as a girlfriend or boyfriend, or someone that just is a friend that you hold no romactic feeling towards.

No one has 10 best friends, but we can all say we know more than a few people. Some that has probably been around for many many years but yet they don't pay very much attention to you. They also may not invite you to big events in their life, you only see it on Facebook. So when you see this do you think to yourself " their fake" or do you think to yourself "dang I guess they don't like me as much as I thought."

Most people go with the second feeling, then they start in on the "Looking glass-self" and they think on what could casue that other person to value their friend. This could fall under all categories.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


This is such a touchy subject for most people around the world. But why? Now there are a good amount of people that say you know what, I'm going to read all of these books and figure out a truth for myself.

Then you have the people with blind faith that no matter what they stick to what and how they've been raised. Now I do not think that this people are wrong, it's just not particularly how I feel about the subject.

I feel that a good hand full of people are missing the point completely, if everyone took the time to pay attention they would see the whole point of it all is LOVE. Let me make that better LOVE.

When there is a love for people and self, you automatically stay away from the bad things, and when we love one another, truly love one another, there would not be hunger, people would not go without the things they need. It's about coming together as one. one people, one nation, one planet. 

Thats when the true miracles will take place.